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硕士:华中师范大学 中文语言及应用语言学
Vitkovska Frosina(方唯)博士,语言学家、汉学家、兼任北马其顿共和国司法部、克里瓦·帕兰卡市法院庭审口译员(汉语、英语)、北马其顿共和国外交部长布贾尔·奥斯马尼先生授予的特别表彰奖—“MKarta”/“马其顿通行证”获得者。在一带一路中国-中东欧合作机制框架下,从事汉学、马其顿与中国语言学及应用语言学、中国研究、巴尔干研究、马其顿研究、区域国别学、中国文化等多学科交叉研究10余年,重点研究荆楚文化在中东欧地区的传播。现任365英国上市官网在线副教授;MTI专业硕士导师;浙江万里学院宁波海上丝绸之路研究院特约研究员;圣基里尔•麦托迪大学哲学学院全球变化中心国际理事会成员。
Dr. Vitkovska, Frosina(方唯), is a linguist, sinologist, court interpreter (Chinese, English); in the Ministry of Justice ofRN Macedonia, Kriva Palanka Municipal Court;recipient of the Special Recognition Award “MKarta” /“马其顿通行证”国家级特别赞誉奖, awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RN Macedonia, Mr. Bujar Osmani (2021); with 10+ years of inter-disciplinary research experiences in Sinology, Macedonian and Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Chinese Studies, Balkan Studies, Makedonistika, Area Studies, Chinese Culture with the focus on Jingchu Culture(荆楚文化)promotion in Central and Eastern Europe in the frame of the BRI China-CEECs Cooperation Mechanism. Currently, she is professor (Associate); MTI supervisor; in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(365英国上市官网在线), School of Foreign Studies(365英国上市官网在线); distinguished expert of Ningbo Maritime Silk Road Institute(宁波海上丝绸之路研究院), Zhejiang Wanli University(浙江万里学院); member of the International Board of the Global ChangesCenter(全球变化中心),Faculty of Philosophy, University Sts. Cyril & Methodius(圣基里尔•麦托迪大学).
Member of the International Board of the Global ChangesCenter,Faculty of Philosophy, University Sts. Cyril & Methodius
Distinguished expert of Ningbo Maritime Silk Road Institute, Zhejiang Wanli University
Court interpreter (Chinese, English) in the Ministry of Justice ofRN Macedonia, Kriva Palanka Municipal Court
Sinology, Macedonian and Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Area Studies, Chinese Studies, Balkan Studies, Makedonistika
Chinese Culture, Jingchu Culture
本科课程/ Undergraduate Courses:
《马其顿语言与文化》通识选修课,第二学期 (即将开始)
Macedonian Language and Culture, notification elective course, 2nd Term (about to begin)
Academic English Writing, major elective course, 1st Term
Taken courses: Introduction to China Culture, International Commercial Arbitration Law
1.《马其顿语言与文化》/ Macedonian Language and Culture,365英国上市官网在线课程建设专项项目/ Discipline Construction Project of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(2023)(在研/ ongoing)
2. Law in Building Jingchu Culture Streets in CEECs: “Jingchu Culture Street in North Macedonia - ‘17+1’ Culture Street in Wuhan”,中央高校基本科研业务费项目/ Basic Research Funds for Central Universities [编号/ grant number:31722010209 / 31722110207](2019-2022)
3. Албанско-Турски-Кинески Разговорник《阿-土-汉会话手册》(纸版/ hard copy;Македонско-Кинески Разговорник/《马汉会话手册》阿尔巴尼亚语、土耳其语翻译/ translation into Albanian and Turkish),北马其顿共和国外交部自助项目/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RN Macedonia,2022(编号/ grant number:36 - 23064 / 22 - 2)(在研/ ongoing)
4. Promoting of Jingchu Culture in the Frame of The Silk Road under the Platform “16+1”: The Case of CEECs/《荆楚文化在丝绸之路的传播:中东欧为例》,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院/ Wuhan University of Technology,School ofLaw, Humanities and Social Sciences,中国博士后科学基金会项目/ China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project(博士后研究员/ Postdoctoral Fellow)(2017-2019)
5. Македонско-Кинески Разговорник/《马汉会话手册》,2016北马其顿共和国文化部自助项目/ Ministry of Culture of RN Macedonia Projects for 2016(2015-2016)
1. "CEEC People in China"/《中东欧人在中国》,浙江万里大学宁波海上丝绸之路研究院/宁波中东欧国家合作研究院项目/ Zhejiang Wanli University Ningbo Maritime Silk Road Research Institute/ Ningbo Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation Research Institute Project(2022)
2.《企业对外投资国别营商环境指南(北马其顿卷)》/ Guide on the Business Environment of Foreign Countries for Chinese Investors (North Macedonia Volume 2021,由西安外国语大学,国际关系学院院长姬文刚教授主待的项目/ Project conducted by Dr. Ji Wen-gang, School of International Relations, Xi’an University of Foreign Studies;主要负责北马其顿卷第二至五篇编写的工作,共计四万字/ mainly responsible for the compilation of the second to fifth chapters of the North Macedonia Volume, with a total of 40,000 words(2022)
3.《中国-马其顿经济、法律与文化研究》/ Sino-Macedonian Study of Law, Economy and Culture,由365英国上市官网在线365英国上市官网在线行政副院长余向阳主待的项目/ Project conducted by Dr. Yu Xiang-yang, School of Foreign Studies,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;主要负责项目指导、资料翻译的工作/ mainly responsible for project guidance and data translation,(2021-2024)
4.《武汉景区楚文化符号(标志)调查》/ Survey of Chu Culture Symbols of Wuhan’s Scenic Spots,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院申来津教授主待的项目/ Project conducted by Dr. Shen Lai-jin, School ofLaw, Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University of Technology(2018-2019)
1. China-CEECs “Balkan Silk Road” Chinese Studies and Makedonistika: Roots and Digital Prospects / 中国—中东欧“巴尔干丝绸之路”中国研究与马其顿研究:根源与数字化展望(进行/ proceeding)
2. The Inevitability of the Sino-Macedonian Regional and National Discipline Construction for the “The Balkan Silk Road” Upgrading/《加强中国-北马其顿区域和国别学科建设对“巴 尔干丝绸之路”‘升级’的必然性》 (进行/ proceeding)
3. China-CEECs Sino-Balkan Decade: The Jingchu-Sino-Macedonian Being Developing Channel (进行/ proceeding)
4. 《论“17+1” 国际合作中的荆楚精神》(On “17+1” Jingchu Culture Spirits)(进行/ proceeding)
5. 17+1 BRI’s Jingchu Spirits Western Balkans Headings: Hubei-Macedonia After Pandemic Estimations Paths / 一带一路荆楚精神之“17+1”西巴尔干动向: 湖北-马其顿后疫情合作 进路 》, Atlantis Press Journal, DESD2022
6. Hubei-CEECs Bridging: ‘Macedonia Jingchu Culture Street - Wuhan 17+1 Culture Street’/《湖北-中东欧国家跨接:“马其顿荆楚文化街-武汉 17+1 文化街”》, The 7th China-CEEC Think-Tank Symposium “Navigating China-CEEC Cooperation through Turbulent Times of Change and Adaption” / 第七届中国—中东欧国家高级别智库研讨会》“在全球大变局下引航中国—中东欧国家合作” , Beijing - Sofia, 2021/10/26
7. “17+1”: ‘Hubei Roads’ of Jingchu, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, ICHSSD2019
8. The “16+1” Silk Road Echoes of the Imperial Bells of China: The Confucius Metaphor of Bianzhong Sounds, 1. Clausius Scientific Press, ICPEM 2019
9. The Role of “16+1” Jingchu Culture “Walk Out” Walks: The Case of Macedonia, Atlantis Press Journal, ICEMAESS2018 ISSN 2352-5398
10. “16+1” Showcase of Jingchu Culture Self-confidence, Atlantis Press Journal, ESSAEME2018 ISSN 2352-5398
11. From The Old Silk Road to The New Silk Road Era: Promoting of Chinese Culture in Republic of Macedonia, DEStech Publications ICSSD2018 ISBN 978-1-60595-564-3
12.《浅谈现代马其顿语言》/ On Macedonian Language,《西江文艺》/ Jiangxi Wenyi , 2015/12
13.《汉马其顿语气词句法语义比较分析》/ Sintax - Semantical Comparative Analysis of the Modal Particles in Macedonian and Chinese Language, 《西江文艺》/ Jiangxi Wenyi , 2015/12
14.《现代汉语助词“了”、“着”、“过”的马其顿语对应表达》/ The Corresponding Expressions of Chinese Particles ‘le’, ‘zhe’, ‘guo’ in Macedonian Language,《西江文艺》/ Jiangxi Wenyi, 2015/7
15.《汉语量词的马其顿语对应表述形式》/ The Corresponding Expressions of Chinese Quantifiers in Macedonian Language,《西江文艺》/ Jiangxi Wenyi , 2015/7
16.《马其顿语和汉语语法主要特点》/ Brief Comparison of the Main Characteristics of Macedonian and Chinese Grammar,《西江文艺》/ Jiangxi Wenyi, 2015/7
1. China-CEECs Sino-Balkan Decade: The Jingchu-Sino- Macedonian Being Developing Channel, Book of Abstracts/ 《第八届中国—中东欧国家高级别智库研讨会》“全球变化背景下中国与中东欧国家的合作,2022.11.16
1. Frosina Vitkovska /方唯, Xu Xia-min / 徐侠民 The Morphology and Tense in Macedonian and Chinese Language《马其顿语和汉语之词法与时态》,(本书出版即将得到浙江省新型智库培育单位浙江万里学院中东欧研究中心出版基金资助/ supported by Zhejiang Wanli University Ningbo Maritime Silk Road Research Institute and Ningbo-CEEC Cooperation Research Institute;期待出书/ publication ongoing)ISBN 978-7-308-23467-2
1. Албанско-Турски-Кинески Разговорник /《阿-土-汉会话手册》:Alma出版社/ Alma Pulishing House,北马其顿共和国/ RN Macedonia,斯科普里/ Skopje(期待出书/ publication ongoing)
2.(Македонско – Кинески Разговорник《马汉会话手册》:Tri出版社/ Publishing House Tri,北马其顿共和国/ RN Macedonia,斯科普里/ Skopje,2016 ISBN 978-608-230-434-2
1. Заробеник на Најнебесното (The Slave of the Most Sacred), Mile出版社/ Mile Publishing House,北马其顿共和国/ RN Macedonia,斯科普里/ Skopje,2008
2. Розата на Синиот Ангел (The Blue Angel’s Rose), Kosta Abras出版社/ Kosta Abrash Publishing House,北马其顿共和国/ RN Macedonia,奥赫里德/ Ohrid,2000 ISBN: 9989-843-03-1
1. 北马其顿共和国外交部长布贾尔·奥斯马尼国家特别表彰奖—“MKarta”/“马其顿通行证”/ Special Recognition Award “MKarta” awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RN Macedonia, Mr. Bujar Osmani,2021
2. 2020-2021学年度365英国上市官网在线青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖/ 3rd price at 2020-2021 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law School of Foreign Studies Youth Teacher Lecture Competition,2021